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Easiest Way to Make Yummy Pizza Summer di Polenta

Pizza Summer di Polenta. The Polenta Pizza recipe out of our category Pizza! Polenta Pizza - Succulent golden yellow corn dough makes this crust competitive with classic pizza crust. Plus, the ingredients are so simple and kid-friendly, they will quickly become one of your go-to snacks.

Pizza Summer di Polenta Although I'll never give up my beloved pizza dough, this polenta crust pizza is a fun, wholesome way to serve pizza for dinner. But beyond all the small ways this polenta pizza can help you meet your goals, whatever they may be, the most important thing to note is that it's absolutely delicious. Cover with a drizzle of oil, some cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes or other vegetables and top off with grated cheese. You can have Pizza Summer di Polenta using 10 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Pizza Summer di Polenta

  1. Prepare of Per il fondo.
  2. It's 180 g of Polenta Valsugana.
  3. It's 720 ml of acqua minerale.
  4. It's 1 cucchiaino of sale.
  5. It's of Per farcire.
  6. Prepare 2/3 fette of prosciutto cotto.
  7. You need 4/5 of pomodorini ciliegino.
  8. You need 1 of decina di olive nere.
  9. You need q.b of Foglioline di basilico.
  10. It's 2 fette of galbanino.

These polenta pizzas work equally well as a great appetizer or main course and are dead easy to make to boot! Fry polenta according to package directions. Remove from griddle/pan, and place on a baking sheet. Pizza is the ultimate comfort food, and this pizza delivers!

Pizza Summer di Polenta step by step

  1. Preparare la polenta mettendo in una casseruola l'acqua con il sale,appena inizia a far bollicine versare a pioggia la polenta rigirando con la frusta per evitare grumi,appena pronta dopo gli 8 minuti,versare in un piatto e formare un disco alto 1 cm e fate raffreddare,farcire poi sistemando in modo circolare le olive nere,poi sistemare i pomodorini tagliati a spicchi,poi ancora le roselline di prosciutto cotto al centro,le foglioline di basilico.
  2. Tagliare anche il galbanino a dadini e sistemarlo sopra.La nostra pizza summer è pronta per essere servita!.
  3. Alla prossima ricetta 👩‍🍳!.

The herbed polenta crust is topped with easy-to-make sauce, as well as onions The crust is made from polenta (coarsely ground cornmeal), resulting in a softer crust than traditional wheat-flour crusts. I love fresh rosemary on pizza, so it is. The crust on this Polenta Pizza reminds me of a deep dish Chicago-style pizza. It's thick and rich and as an added bonus, it's gluten-free. After you bake the polenta, a nice little crust will form over the top, this is where you'll want to top your Polenta Pizza.

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